Wednesday, April 29, 2009


On occasion the pond out back is graced by the presence of visiting waterfowl. We’ve seen geese, mallards, wood ducks, as well as a few other varieties. Watching them is always enjoyable and a few ducks swimming around the pond can be a tranquil sight. So I figured why not raise a flock of our own?

After making a few phone calls, 16 Mallard Ducklings landed here today. Actually I ordered them by mail from Mt. Healthy Hatchery in Ohio, and they are arrived this morning at our local post office. At first I’d hoped to get them in time for Easter, but they weren’t available until now. We will raise them, set them loose out back, and see if they stick around.

In preparation for their arrival we built this brooding box.
This will be their home for the first few weeks.